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"Digital Devils" Robotics Club


The Robotics club will allow Plainville High School students the opportunity to be involved in building a full size robot.  The team is currently comprised of approximately 20 members who will take on the various roles that will fulfill all of the requirements and obligations required by FIRST.  FIRST is a national organization that promotes science, technology, engineering and math. (STEM)  Each year a new competition is introduced encouraging students to work together with engineers to brainstorm, design, build and program robots to perform specific tasks among a field of competitors.  Meeting days and times will vary greatly depending on the month and the build season but weekly meetings will typically occur on Wednesdays and occasionally daily meetings during the months of January-April.  Students will be obligated to be involved in fundraising events which will help to support registrations, competitions and the cost of building the robot. Anyone interested in robotics, engineering, programming, fabricating, web page design and project management is encouraged to join TEAM 5129, the Digital Devils.  The team will also consist of at least two adult coaches who will oversee, facilitate and mentor the students.


Cost: $20.00 membership fee plus additional travel costs not covered by fundraising.  Membership fee will cover the cost of team shirts, TEAM 5129 buttons and food/beverage.

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